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Ghost Of Scarecrow Castle is the 4th episode of the CandyCake Guppies series.


A ghost appears in Scarecrow's castle, scaring everyone.


(Episode beings inside Scarecrow Castle.)

Grim Reaper: "Scarecrow, it's finally complete."

Scarecrow: "What is it?"

Grim Reaper (holding something in his hands): "It's an instant camera. After your lovely visage is duplicated, you can see it instantly!"

Scarecrow: "Well, come on. Let's do it. Let's test it out."

(The villains went to the balcony. Scarecrow strikes a pose.)

Scarecrow: "There! Take a photo of me against the night sky."

Grim Reaper: "Okay then. Here we go!"

(The instant camera clicks, and the photo slides out of the slot. Scarecrow grabs the photo out of Grim Reaper's hand.)

Scarecrow: "Let me see!"

Grim Reaper: "Let's see how it turns out."

(The photo fades color.)

Scarecrow: "Oh! It's appearing! You surely can take good pictures if you have a good model."

(Grim Reaper suddenly has a look of confusion, then it turns into fear. In the photo, behind Scarecrow, there is a ghost.)

Grim Reaper: "Ahhh! Scarecrow, there's a...a...ghost in the photo!"

Scarecrow: "What did you say? A ghost?!"

Grim Reaper: "It's a phenomenon where a ghost that has an attachment to this world appears in a photo! That could've been a ghost of someone that you've treated miserably or...or...!"

Scarecrow: "Really?" (laughs) "Then this is great!"

Grim Reaper: "Great?"

Scarecrow: "That sounds so stupid. A ghost that resents me?"

(Scarecrow tosses the photo off the balcony and walks away laughing. He was suddenly quivering in fear in this throne room. Camera cuts to town at night. Scarecrow was with a sunflower, who was waving his petals around a crystal ball.)

Scarecrow: "Well, what do you see?"

(The sunflower made no response.)

Scarecrow: "Come on, Sunflower! Give it to me straight!"

Sunflower: "OOOOOOOOH!" (stops) "I see..."

Scarecrow: "What do you see, Sunflower?"

Sunflower: "A ghost that holds a grudge against you is in your castle."

Scarecrow (shocked): "A ghost in my castle?!"

Sunflower: "I fear it will appear tonight."

(Scarecrow hops into the tank car.)

Scarecrow: "Okay, Grim Reaper, let's go. We're going back to the castle."

(Grim Reaper starts the engine and drives off to the castle.)

Grim Reaper: "So, what did he say, that Sunflower?"

Scarecrow: "That ghost is coming after me."

Grim Reaper: "There, I told you it was a ghost."

Scarecrow: "...If that ghost ever appears, then maybe I'll put it on TV! Buhahahahaha! My castle was made to look old on purpose, but it's supposed to be new. There is no such thing as ghosts! The ghost and Sunflower are frauds."

Grim Reaper: "Then how do you explain the ghost in the photo, hm?"

Scarecrow: "It's probably a mistake..."

(The draw bridge is suddenly closing.)

Scarecrow: "What's going on?!"

Grim Reaper: "The bridge is...We haven't finished crossing...! Brake, brake, brake!"

(The car falls front on the floor, causing the villains to roll out.)

Scarecrow: "The draw bridge never done that before."

Grim Reaper: "Maybe it's the ghost doing it."

Scarecrow: "Stop talking nonsense!"

(The villains heard a crank. In the blackness, they saw a white object coming towards them. The villains hugged each other in fear. The white object turns out to be Remora.)

Remora: "Are you injured, Scarecrow?"

Scarecrow: "What the heck were you doing?"

Grim Reaper: "Don't you know how to properly raise and lower the bridge?!"

Remora: "That wasn't me that has been messing with the bridge. For some reason, it seems to be rising of it's own accord..."

Grim Reaper: "Well, I must order you to go and investigate the bridge pronto! And be sure you exactly know the cause!"

(Scarecrow looks up and saw the ghost coming towards him. He stumbles and falls down into a bush.)

Scarecrow: "Ahhh! It's here! Get that thing away from me!"

Grim Reaper: "Scarecrow! What thing? I don't see it."

(Scarecrow looks around and gets off the bush.)

Scarecrow: "I must be seeing things, but I hope it's not that ghost..."

Grim Reaper: "Scarecrow..."

(Camera cuts to Chandelee, Chondoller, and Mr Rainbow in the castle lobby. Chondoller was weeping in fear.)

Chondoller: "It was a ghost! I'm sure it was!"

Chandelee: "Chondoller, please calm down."

(He saw Scarecrow and Grim Reaper pass by.)

Mr Rainbow: "Scarecrow!"

Grim Reaper: "Mr Rainbow, Chandelee, and Chondoller. What's the matter?"

Mr Rainbow: "Scarecrow...there was a..."

Chondoller: "There's a ghost in this castle!"

Scarecrow: "What?"

Mr Rainbow: "Well...we saw something..."

Chondoller: "It's a ghost!"

(Scarecrow and Grim Reaper are frightened and looked at each other.)

Scarecrow: "Mr Rainbow. I would think you had better sense..."

Chandelee: "I saw it too! It happened when I was walking down the corridor..."

(Camera cuts to Chandelee walking down the corridor. He heard footsteps, and turns back to see no one is there. Then he saw something flying towards him. It was the ghost. Chandelee runs away screaming. We cut back to the lobby.)

Chandelee: "There were footsteps behind me, and I saw the ghost!"

Chondoller: "My story is even more terrible! I was in living room watching TV..."

(Camera cuts to Chondoller in the living room. The balcony doors open by the wind. Chondoller gets off the couch and goes to close them.
