Bubble Guppies Fanon Wiki


The Bubble Guppies are having a Thanksgiving party at Gil's home. Only one slight problemo...ALL THE FOOD WENT MISSING!!!

Note: Story is written by PinkiePie6.


"Molly, aren't you gonna have breakfast?" Molly's mother called out to her. "You haven't eaten since last night."

"I'll be fine, mom." Molly said to her mother. In her hands is a container of gravy and hanging over her shoulder is a pink zipper-less jacket. "I'm going to my friends' house to have a Thanksgiving dinner."

"Okay. Have fun!" Her mother said.

"I will." Molly said. "Bye!"

Molly's stomach begins to growl, which went unheard by her mother. The pink-haired girl opens the door and exits the house. She instantly felt a chill hit her skin, and slips on her pink jacket. Her stomach growls again.

"Man, I'm hungry." Molly said as her stomach growls again and she runs it. She sets off.


(On her way, Molly is going to Gil's house when her stomach gurgles again very loudly. Then she heard another one in the distance. The pinkhead looks around.)

"Hello?" She called out. There was the sound again. This time, it was louder and it was coming from a bush nearby.

Molly cautiously approached the bush and peeks into it. In the opening, she could make out a body with an orange tail and top with yellow circles. There's also an open yellow jacket exposing a pale growling stomach.

"Deema? Is that you?" Molly called out.

Her blonde friend instantly jumped out of the bush and pounced on her and they roll with it until they stop. Both girls laughed.

"Yep! It's me, alright!" Deema said.

"How long have you been in there?" Molly asked.

"Long enough before I could handle hearing anymore growls in my tummy!" She said as she rubbed her growling stomach.

Molly's stomach gurgled as well. "Mine has been making noises all night. I was trying to save room for tons of food today."

Now both their stomachs grumbled with growing hunger. They laughed.

"We should really get to the party now." Molly said to Deema. "I really need something to eat."

"Me too!" Deema said and the Guppies sat up and started walking away, still rubbing their growling stomachs.


(Molly and Deema arrived at Gil's home. When they got there, they are met by a horrible sight; Oona sighing, Goby and Gil arguing, and Nonny looking around for something.)

"Guys, what happened?" Molly said.

"All the food is gone, and it's all Goby's fault!" Gil said.

"MY fault?!" Goby said in disbelief. "How is it MY fault?"

"Because, you pin the blame on me." Gil bickered.

"Goby, Gil. Stop fighting!" Oona exclaimed, pushing the boys aside.

"Sorry!" The boys said, feeling a little hard on one another.

Deema stared at the table in shock; no food.

"And...and where's all the food you guys promised to bring?" Deema said, clutching her gurgling stomach.

"I'm afraid that they have been stolen..." Nonny said.

"STOLEN?!" Everyone else yelled in disbelief. All six stomachs start growling.

"Well, who do you think stole them?" Goby said.


"How do you know it's a thanksgiving pogwurzel?" Molly asked.

"Because, I CAN SMELL IT FROM HERE!!" Deema yelled over the growling of her stomach.

"Then let's go find it. I guess." Molly said.

"Follow me!" Deema said.


(The guppies follow Deema deep into the forest to find the Thanksgiving Pogwurzel. The only noises they could here are birds chirping and the constant gurgling of their stomachs.)

Deema holds her growling stomach. "I really wanted that turkey."

All six stomachs growled.

"IIIIIIIIIIIII WAAAAAAAAAAAAAANTT FOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDD!!!" Deema yelled over the growling of her stomach.

Gil sighed. "Deema, we get it, okay?"

"But you don't understand!" Deema cried out. "It's like I have a wild animal in my tummy!"

"Can I listen to it?" Oona asked.

"Yeah, why not." Deema said.

(Oona presses her ear against the pale abdomen and is surprised by the constant gurgles.)

"Wow. It does sound like a wild animal if you asked me." Oona said.

Everyone laughed...then sighed when all six stomachs growled.

"Let's go, guys!" Molly said with little emotion in her voice.


(The guppies continued walking. Suddenly, Oona's stomach growled.)

"Deema, we’ve been searching for a while now." Oona said.

"But look at it this way." Deema said, her own stomach growls and she rubs it. "We're on the hunt for the Thanksgiving Pogwurzel."

Suddenly, the Guppies all gets scared when they hear a loud growl sound. They huddle against one another.

Gil jumps up and lands on Oona's arms. "What in the world was that?" He said, looking worried.

Molly already has her hands on her grumbling tummy. "Sorry, Guys! I'm so hungry!"

"We don't blame you, girl!" Goby said.

"Guys Look. I think I saw the Thanksgiving Pogwurzel." Nonny exclaimed, over the growling of his tummy.

(They saw that the Thanksgiving Pogwurzel was in the bushes.)

"Umm. You said that the Thanksgiving Pogwurzel took the food." Gil said to Deema.

Oona raised her eyebrows. "Seriously." She said, over the growling of her stomach.

"I said it was the Thanksgiving Pogwurzel." Deema said. "But I forgot to say what it looks like."

"Great! Just great!" Molly said, feeling a little mad at Deema.

"Looks like we're gonna have to sneak over to it." Nonny whispered. "Follow me!"

(The Guppies copied Nonny and they tiptoed over to the bushes.)

"Grab it!" Deema shouted.

(Everyone jumped and they landed on top of each other.)

"The Thanksgiving Pogwurzel is getting away." Deema exclaimed.

(The Thanksgiving Pogwurzel was a Turkey.)

"Huh." Gil offered. "The Thanksgiving Pogwurzel is..."

"A Turkey." The Guppies exclaimed with surprised looks on their faces, their tummies growled.

"Well. That was unexpected." Deema said, looking surprised.

"Looks like we need to make the turkey come to us." Nonny suggested.


(A few minutes later. They set up several traps all over the place.)

"Traps are all set up!" Gil said.

"Great!" Deema said, then, she hears gobbling. "Here it comes! Hide!"

The Guppies hide. As the turkey arrives.

"Food! Hey, fellas! Come and get it!" The Turkey shouts.

All the other turkeys come out of hiding, but, they step on all the traps the Guppies made.

"Turkey!" The Guppies all shout with happiness, they put on their napkins and they ate all the turkeys they could eat.


Sometime later, the Guppies were all lying down on the grass, there were a few bones and some feathers from all the turkey they have eaten. Their tummies were bulged big from eating so much.

"So full! Too much turkey!" Molly groaned.

"Can't eat another bite!" Deema moaned.

All Six Guppies groaned. Suddenly, they started blowing up like balloons and they all floated away, they tried flapping their arms and wiggling their tails, but, no avail. Then, they started getting bigger and then, they all let out a big burp and they all deflate and they land on the ground. They burped again and they all laughed.

End of story
